1. - building a stone wall with a cmu ( concrete masonry unit ) sub straight
2. - building a solid stone wall - .. note the reinforcement bar extends up into the stone wall , thus lending tensile strength.
solid stone wall - no cmu

Upper wall is mortared stacked stone - no cmu substrate to bond to ( c . m. u . = concrete masonry unit )

Never ever did I see that kind of prep work and steel structure go into a wall built on Maui and I saw a lot of walls built there. Even a plain concrete footing was unusual.
That may be beginning to change as it gets more built up, but I bet the requirements will vary depending on who the developer is.
We have to build by the book or the book is thrown at us.
When constructing a project there are regular scheduled inspections that one must pass and be signed off on prior to starting the next phase of any job.
One of the first sign off inspections by the Building department is the structural steel sign off.
The inspector comes out and inspects the steel to make sure that it is in compliance with the code and the approved design.
He checks to make sure the size is correct, the spacing is correct, the dolbies are in place and that the soil under the steel is properly prepared to compaction specifications.
I've been around masonry all my life and I believe it is in my DNA ( 4th generation mason ) and I have never seen so much steel and bureacracy in my life here in building sites in California.
..... welcome to left coast.
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