I think "yardening" describes a gardening style that is about using a limited palette of plants to achieve possibly great effects. ~ excerpt from GardenRant.
Yikes, if that is the definition of what a yardener / yardening is then it is even more deplorable than I originally thought.
Come on folks, do we really need to be reduced to making up adolescent words to describe what has been a part of our evolving natural history just to be kitschy ?
Haven’t we got enough dumbing down going on in our current day society ?
If ‘less is more’ in your garden then your not ‘yardening’ , you are gardening in the minimalist style where judicious editing, harmonious proportions and a highly detailed eye towards your few well chosen details makes for a calm and pleasant spatial experience.
Ratchet up or down the minimalist garden and you might have a zen like contemplative sanctuary garden or a simply well balanced front yard entry garden or backyard courtyard.
These are not yardens, these are gardens.
Front entry garden utilizing a single variety of plant, Equisetum , in red pots.
Using 4 varieties of plants along a long winding Napa Valley driveway :
Olive trees, pennisetum, miscanthus and salvia leucantha.
A front yard entry garden - in this photo the loropetalum is out of bloom

The same garden with the loropetalum in bloom
A detail shot of the the same garden.

The same property as previously depicted. This is the back yard garden
Here we used a limited palette of plants again - Olive Trees, Roses, Lavender and prostrate Rosemary.

This garden belongs to a textile artist.
It is very small. The plants that were chosen all all fairly easy care plants.
The limited planting palette contains Ornamental Grasses, Alstromeria, Nepeta and an Olive tree in the corner.
The core ten planter covers a giant 3’x 3’ drain culvert the the developement decided to plunk down directly in this tiny 20x20 back yard.

Excellent points, and so well illustated. I prefer limited palette gardens myself. S
Landscaping (or “yardening”) is meant to look good while traveling 30 miles an hour. A garden demands time because its essence is in the details, and those take time to discover. A garden can be simple or complex, but the most beautiful gardens, even the simplest, are rich in detail. Subtle color combinations or dramatic contrast of texture can add to these details. It is the details, and the thought put behind them, that shows the soul of the gardener.
Love the plants in the red pots.
Hey Michelle, Thanks for postiong the Pics. Every time I look at the picture of the winding drive flanked by Olive trees, I think I need to move back to the Left Coast. Beautiful! Phrago
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